Verified Merchant
Become a Verified Merchant and allow your online customers to have faith when purchasing from you.
A Verified Merchant Seal will allow you to:
- Become more approachable
- Establishes Trust from the start
- Gives others secured confidence to interact with you
- Diminishes the chances of any charge back transactions
- Get much more responses from your online transactions or business ventures
- Display your Verified Merchant Seal for other to view and trust in you
- Advantageous for Sellers of merchandise or services online
- Advantageous for Buyers of merchandise or services online
Display the Verified Merchant Seal on your site TODAY and
begin increasing sales by over 49%!

Online Customers look for the Verified Merchant Seal to know if you are:
- Verified as a trusted seller
- Meeting selling standards accordingly
- Committed in following through with your sales
- Committed in resolving disputes in a timely fashion
- Committed to secure transactions and protecting their credit card
This means:
- Higher Sales - 95% of buyers say they feel more comfortable buying from a Verified Merchant
- Higher Selling Price - 90% of buyers say they will buy higher-value items from a Verified Merchant
- Reduced negative feedback - Verified Merchants receive 50% less negative feedback than before they joined
The Business ID Certificate can be shown on any of your sites by simply copying and pasting your html
codes you will automatically receive from us. Everyone will instantly know that you are a
Verified Merchant and you have passed our approval process.
Get a competitive edge in your Industry and show customers that YOU are a Verified Merchant TODAY.
Sign up now with our New Low Rates and begin accepting online payments with your
Verified Merchant Seal.
- Customers know and trust
- Enhance your reputation with our Verified Merchant Seal
- Increase consumer confidence
and sales through your affiliation with